Thursday, January 24, 2008

To Be Remarkable, Create, Don't Copycat

Here's snippet #5 of my article 7 Ways to be Remarkable from the January 2008 issue of Pentecostal Messenger:

5. Create, Don't Copycat

Mark Batterson often says, "The church ought to be the most creative place on the planet." I agree. We serve the Creator of the universe, and we are made in His likeness. So why does the church have such a hard time coming up with original thoughts?

When churches do sermon series on 24 or Desperate Housewives, the world does not respond with awe. When T-shirt designers "christianize" secular slogans (e.g. Tommy Hellfighter, Jesus Died for Pedro), the world responds, "That's cute," or, "That's lame," but never, "That's remarkable!" The church continues to be easily dismissed because we fail to achieve the remarkable.

We say we're not creative, but we used to be when we were kids. All children are creative. I cannot count the times I've seen my kids do things I never imagined -- beans up the nose, playing in toilets, standing on hampers to reach door locks. Creativity reigns!

Adults are simply afraid to let themselves loose. What if it doesn't work? Should we let the people vote on this first? Kids have no such fears, not in the beginning, not until adults start to say, "You can't...."

To be remarkable, be an original, not a copy. Pray for ideas, dare to do them, and see what remarkable things come about.

Note: If you don't already receive Pentecostal Messenger and you'd like to, the Pentecostal Church of God is offering free subscriptions for the remaining 2008 issues. For details, go to

To Change a Viewpoint, Change a Belief

Seth Godin's article Bad Judgment led to some mini-revelations:

  1. Those who disagree with us don't do so out of sheer stubbornness, but out of sincere beliefs.

  2. If we can change their beliefs, we can change their actions.

  3. Isn't changing beliefs what preaching/teaching is all about?

  4. Seth really wrote about two kinds of bad judgment:

    • That of our opponents, which may not be bad judgment at all.
    • That of ourselves, in judging our opponents' opposition to be bad judgment.

Friday, January 18, 2008

To Be Remarkable, Eliminate Distractions

Here's snippet #4 of my article 7 Ways to be Remarkable from the January 2008 issue of Pentecostal Messenger:

4. Eliminate Distractions

One of my all-time favorite restaurants [I use the term loosely] was an Indianapolis eatery named Taquiera Los Amigos. Their Tacos de Lengua were the best I've ever had, and I drove 70 miles one-way more than once just to eat them. To me, Taquiera Los Amigos was remarkable, and I often remarked about it.

I brought my sister there once. She did not find it as remarkable as I did. The stickiness of the floor proved an insurmountable distraction to her Taquiera Los Amigos experience.

Christians must look out for insurmountable distractions. Whining PA systems, 1970's carpet, and off-key musicians detract from worship. Weeds in the flower bed repel visitors. Some waitresses detest Christians because of the poor behavior of the Sunday-after-church crowd. Such distractions must be eliminated so our remarkable message may shine through.

Note: If you don't already receive Pentecostal Messenger and you'd like to, the Pentecostal Church of God is offering free subscriptions for the remaining 2008 issues. For details, go to

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Better Way to Debate our Schisms

Secular vs Sacred.
Choruses vs Hymns.
KJV vs NIV vs MSG vs...
Attractional vs Missional.
Oneness vs Trinity.
Cessationists vs Charismatics.
Pre-trib vs Mid-trib vs Post-Trib vs Millennialists.

We do have our schisms, don't we?

I am refreshed by Tim Steven's approach to a recent interrogator.

Rather than defend himself, he invited others to answer the question, stating there will be no arguing back-and-forth, just answers.

Want to join in? Click here.

To Be Remarkable, Improve on Strengths

Here's snippet #3 of my article 7 Ways to be Remarkable from the January 2008 issue of Pentecostal Messenger:

3. Improve on Strengths

I am a half-way decent musician, having played piano and bass over 20 years. I also know a little about roofing, having worked on several roofing projects. But I am a better musician than I am a roofer because I spend much more time working on my music.

If I did things the other way around, instead of "knowing a little" about roofing, I might become a half-way decent roofer. I would then be half-way decent at both roofing and music, but not remarkable in either. I prefer instead to work on music, so that I might move from "half-way decent" to "downright awesome" or "flat-out remarkable."

Jacks-of-all-trades do not attract attention, but virtuosos get invited for private performances with presidents. Common laborers risk lay-offs continually, while top performers not only keep their jobs but also make better money. I think when Jesus promised "life more abundantly," he was saying that Christians should abound in everything they do. They should be found among the best scholars, musicians, and athletes. They should be like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah whom the king found "ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." That's remarkable, and it will only happen when you commit to improve on things you're already good at.
Note: If you don't already receive Pentecostal Messenger and you'd like to, the Pentecostal Church of God is offering free subscriptions for the remaining 2008 issues. For details, go to

Video Log of a Pastor's Workday

Ever wonder what pastors do all day? Here's a video clip one pastor made to answer that question:

Thank you, Monday Morning Insight, for sharing this!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

To Be Remarkable, Pray Remarkably

Here's snippet #2 of my article 7 Ways to be Remarkable from the January 2008 issue of Pentecostal Messenger:

2. Pray Remarkably

Older saints tell how they used to pray past midnight and not leave the alter until they saw the Holy Ghost move. They tell about seeing the Shekinah Glory and literal tongues of fire, about hearing the Holy Ghost rush in like a tornado.

I hear today of Korean pastors who pray all night every Saturday for Sunday's sermon, and I hear of Africans who go into the bush for days at a time to pray and fast. Their prayers result in miracles, healings, and masses of people getting saved.

Remarkable prayers bring remarkable results.
Note: If you don't already receive Pentecostal Messenger and you'd like to, the Pentecostal Church of God is offering free subscriptions for the remaining 2008 issues. For details, go to

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cool Rendition of 12 Days of Christmas

I know Christmas 2007 is over with, but perhaps this will still be around 11 months from now...

Thank you, Mark Winters, for sharing this on your blog.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

To Be Remarkable, Prophesy Genuine Prophecies

Here's a snippet of my article 7 Ways to be Remarkable from the January 2008 issue of Pentecostal Messenger:

1. Prophesy Genuine Prophecies

Genuine prophecy is always remarkable. Paul wrote of unbelievers falling down on their face, worshiping God, and knowing that God is in the church, all because of prophecy that exposes the secrets of their hearts. (See 1 Cor 14:24-25). Remarkable!

Compare that to the common God's-going-to-bless-you "prophecies" that excite Christians, but rarely affect sinners. We need prophecies that bring sinners to the alter - genuine words from God that bring remarkable responses. We must desire to prophesy, covet to prophesy, and despise not prophesyings (1 Cor 14:1, 39; 1 Thess. 5:20).
Note: If you don't already receive Pentecostal Messenger and you'd like to, the Pentecostal Church of God is offering free subscriptions for the remaining 2008 issues. For details, go to