Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Warrior Must Fight

Warriors aren't really warriors unless they stand up to the enemy. The warrior that always runs from the battle is just a coward wearing armor and carrying a sword.
Saul and the Israelites spent 40 days cowering before Goliath, but David defeated him the day he first heard of him. All it took was a rock and a prayer and a warrior willing to face the giant.
How about you?
What giants are on your battlefield?
What fights have you been putting off for the past 40 days (weeks/months/years)?
Perhaps it's time to...
- start that fast
- pray that prayer
- make that call
- have that talk
- give up that habit
- surrender that will
- face that giant

1 comment:

  1. Wow so true! We were just saying the same thing in our Bible College class tonight. We say we want a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost, a Spiritual awakening but we won't fight! We won't sacrifice! We won't give up sleep, comfort, our will, our habits! We won't fight the very thing (the carnal man) that the Bible says is the enemy of God. So we cower and hide all the time saying how much we want an outpouring of the Spirit.
