There’s a whole slew of tidbits that “enquiring minds” might “want to know”:
Did Jesus’ grandparents support Joseph and Mary’s marriage?On and on, the list of questions could go... but scripture is pretty silent. We get bits and pieces: the birth, the circumcision a week later, the flight to Egypt, a return to Nazareth, but nothing about early childhood until a decade or so later when Mary and Joseph lose track of Jesus and find Him in the temple. And after that... there’s nothing until Jesus reaches adulthood.
Did they spend time with little Jesus?
Did they ever come to believe the conception was immaculate?
Was Mary the talk of the town?
What did Jesus look like?
Was He a bald baby, or did He have lots of hair?
What was Jesus like as a two-year-old?
Did He go through the “terrible twos”?
Did Mary ever have to tell Him, “No”?
Did Jesus like broccoli?
I asked God, “Why don’t we get to read the [juicy] details?”
He said, “Because it’s none of your business.”
God honored Mary by keeping private both some possibly embarrassing details and also some of the special moments she had alone with her child. Those details and moments are hers, and God let her keep them.
God went on to explain, “My Word contains everything you need to know; if it doesn’t say it, you don’t need to know it.”
To me, that’s cool on two different levels:
- If God’s Word is brief, it’s only because He left out something I didn’t need to know.
- I know I can trust God with my own business -- He won’t blab!